4 Simple, Free Things to Do Everyday for Younger Looking Eyes


Over the years, I have personally spent more time and money working on my eye area than any other part of my skin. The products and procedures have been worth it (some more than others!), but there are four things I now do every single day that pay off without having to pay a dime. 

1. Hydrate

It sounds a little confusing, but drinking more water actually causes your undereye fat pads to release water and reduce puffiness. I personally drink about 100oz of water a day. Talk with your PCP about how much water consumption is safe for you, and remember to replenish electrolytes accordingly.

2. Sleep at an Elevation

Water runs downstream, right? Elevating your head at night can reduce swelling in the eye area and allow you to wake up looking more rested.

3. Tap, Don’t Rub!

When applying eye creams, use a gentle tapping motion from the outside of the eye in to apply, rather than rubbing and massaging. The skin is so delicate that continuous daily rubbing could stretch and wrinkle it. The tapping motion also stimulates lymphatic drainage to reduce fluid build up and can be done without product. More on that below!

4. Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Gently press with your index fingers on your medial brow and rub outward along your brow bone. Then, tap with your second and third fingers along your infra-orbital rim from the outside to the inside of your eye. Repeat 5 times on each eye and finish by applying firm pressure for several seconds just under the medial brown and at the medial eye area. You may even hear the squishy sound of extra fluid draining away!  

At Georgia Skin Specialists, our providers and aestheticians are available to help you find Your Best Skin Yet!


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